Leykauff, N. (in progress). Detection and monitoring of mass movements in the Jostedalsbreen ice cap region through unsupervised InSAR time series pattern analysis. Bachelor Thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin. Supervisors: Sauter, T. and Bookhagen, B.
Cieslakowski J. (in progress). Variations of the snow and equilibrium lines on Jostedalsbreen through the summers of 2019-2023. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Supervisor: Dunse, T.
Aabø, S.F., Gjerberg, E.L. and Leinum, E.C. 2024. Bathymetric surveying of the proglacial lake Nigardsbrevatnet using sonar and ground penetrating radar. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 70 pp. Supervisors: Yde, J.C., Gillespie, M.K. and Gjerde, M.
Köster, M. 2023. Equilibrium Line Altitude changes for four glaciers in southern Norway using the AAR and AABR methods. Bachelor Thesis, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. 55 pp. Supervisors: Thürkow, D., Gjerde, M. and Yde, J.C.
Bjerkan, T.S. and Kulø, I.S. 2023. A meteorological analysis of variations in lapse rates on Nigardsbreen, western Norway. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 56 pp. Supervisors: Haualand, K.F., de Villiers, S. and Yde, J.C.
Engen, S.H. 2023. Origin and consequences of a supraglacial sediment deposition event on Brenndalsbreen, Norway. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 54 pp. Supervisors: Yde, J.C., Gjerde, M. and Elvehøy, H.
Hoch, M.R. and Brevig, R.K. 2022. A topographic analysis of the glacier foreland at Austerdalsbreen. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 69 pp. Supervisors: Røthe, T.O., Yde, J.C. and Robson, B.A.
Master's Projects
Winkelmann, A. (in progress). Modeling the changes of Jostedalsbreen until 2100 using the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM). Master's Thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin. Supervisor: Sauter, T.
Buskas, P. 2024. Dynamics of the glacier-lake at Flatbreen in Fjærland, Western Norway, and its role in the flood regime of Tverrdøla and Supphelleelvi catchments. Master's Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 61 pp. Supervisors: Dunse, T., Gragne, A.S. and Elvehøy, H.
Grider, A. 2024. Assessing temporal patterns and ecosystem consequences of biogeochemical change in glacially fed lakes. Master’s Thesis, University of Maine. 78 pp. Supervisor: Saros, J.E.
Burrill, J.E. 2023. A tale of two glaciers from the Jostedal Ice Cap: Impacts, challenges, and outlook for tourism and beyond. Master's Thesis, University of South-Eastern Norway. 84 pp. Supervisors: Gjermundsen, E.F. and Dannevig, H.
Opeyemi, S. 2023. Investigation of changes in Briksdalsbreen, western Norway from 1966 - 2020 using remote sensing. Master's Thesis, University of Bergen. 68 pp. Supervisors: Robson, B.A., Bakke, J. and Yde, J.C.
Pariyar, M. 2022. Monitoring glacier lakes and outburst floods around Jostedalsbreen Ice Cap, Norway. Master's Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 108 pp. Supervisors: Dunse, T., Yde, J.C., Dannevig, H. and Andreassen, L.M.