JOSTICE Student Projects

Bachelor Projects

Leykauff, N. (in progress). Detection and monitoring of mass movements in the Jostedalsbreen ice cap region through unsupervised InSAR time series pattern analysis. Bachelor Thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin. Supervisors: Sauter, T. and Bookhagen, B.

Cieslakowski J. (in progress). Variations of the snow and equilibrium lines on Jostedalsbreen through the summers of 2019-2023. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Supervisor: Dunse, T.

Aabø, S.F., Gjerberg, E.L. and Leinum, E.C. 2024. Bathymetric surveying of the proglacial lake Nigardsbrevatnet using sonar and ground penetrating radar. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 70 pp. Supervisors: Yde, J.C., Gillespie, M.K. and Gjerde, M.

Köster, M. 2023. Equilibrium Line Altitude changes for four glaciers in southern Norway using the AAR and AABR methods. Bachelor Thesis, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. 55 pp. Supervisors: Thürkow, D., Gjerde, M. and Yde, J.C.

Bjerkan, T.S. and Kulø, I.S. 2023. A meteorological analysis of variations in lapse rates on Nigardsbreen, western Norway. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 56 pp. Supervisors: Haualand, K.F., de Villiers, S. and Yde, J.C.

Engen, S.H. 2023. Origin and consequences of a supraglacial sediment deposition event on Brenndalsbreen, Norway. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 54 pp. Supervisors: Yde, J.C., Gjerde, M. and Elvehøy, H.

Hoch, M.R. and Brevig, R.K. 2022. A topographic analysis of the glacier foreland at Austerdalsbreen. Bachelor Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 69 pp. Supervisors: Røthe, T.O., Yde, J.C. and Robson, B.A.

Master's Projects

Winkelmann, A. (in progress). Modeling the changes of Jostedalsbreen until 2100 using the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM). Master's Thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin. Supervisor: Sauter, T.

Buskas, P. 2024. Dynamics of the glacier-lake at Flatbreen in Fjærland, Western Norway, and its role in the flood regime of Tverrdøla and Supphelleelvi catchments. Master's Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 61 pp. Supervisors: Dunse, T., Gragne, A.S. and Elvehøy, H.

Grider, A. 2024. Assessing temporal patterns and ecosystem consequences of biogeochemical change in glacially fed lakes. Master’s Thesis, University of Maine. 78 pp. Supervisor: Saros, J.E.

Burrill, J.E. 2023. A tale of two glaciers from the Jostedal Ice Cap: Impacts, challenges, and outlook for tourism and beyond. Master's Thesis, University of South-Eastern Norway. 84 pp. Supervisors: Gjermundsen, E.F. and Dannevig, H.

Opeyemi, S. 2023. Investigation of changes in Briksdalsbreen, western Norway from 1966 - 2020 using remote sensing. Master's Thesis, University of Bergen. 68 pp. Supervisors: Robson, B.A., Bakke, J. and Yde, J.C.

Pariyar, M. 2022. Monitoring glacier lakes and outburst floods around Jostedalsbreen Ice Cap, Norway. Master's Thesis, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. 108 pp. Supervisors: Dunse, T., Yde, J.C., Dannevig, H. and Andreassen, L.M.